
The Escape Artist

Released in 1982 by Francis Ford Coppola’s Zoetrope Studios, Danny Masters (Griffin O’Neal) is a young prestidigitation prodigy, enchanted with the art of magic and obsessed with reaching the performing heights of his deceased father Harry (Harry Anderson), widely regarded as a magician whose skill and escape artistry was second only to Houdini himself. In a bit of misdirection, the film opens with Danny issuing a challenge to the police that he can escape prison, then works backwards to bring us up to speed as he finds himself in the adult world of corruption, after lifting the wallet of Stu Quinones (Raul Julia), the son of the town’s corrupt Mayor (Desi Arnaz), and we soon find out Stu has father issues of his own to overcome. Ultimately, Danny will try to shed his shackles and triumph where his father could not, and be forever known as The Escape Artist. Legendary cinematographer Caleb Deschanel made his directorial debut with a stellar cast of supporting actors, and the late-great Ricky Jay tutored Griffin O’Neal and was the film’s technical advisor.

35mm print courtesy of the Academy Film Archive

Marc Edward Heuck writes about The Escape Artist on the New Beverly blog.

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